If you make use of a humidifier in order to deal with the annoying allergy symptoms caused by living area dry air, such as eczema, scratchy nasal passages, tight skin, make sure to avoid the mistakes that you might be making in the process of use of the item.
It is highly required to follow the whole list of the instructions provided by the manufacturer for using and maintaining the device. Otherwise, the humidifier can cause new more serious allergy symptoms or make the ones that already exist even worse. Take a look at the most common mistakes uses must be aware of and avoid, when using the device.
- Ignoring the Level of Water Vapor in the Living Area
While the majority of the humidifiers’ models are manufactured with the built-in humidistat needed to measure relative humidity, there are also separate moisture or humidity meter that is known as “hygrometer”. The latter provides you with an opportunity to measure and check the relative humidity in your living area more accurately. In case you’ve installed a humidifier in order to handle specific allergy symptoms, ensure to check the level of humidity often. This will let you keep it stable.
Keeping Humidity Level Too High
In addition to keeping humidity level stable, make sure to watch out in case it goes above acceptable point. The thing is that while too little humidity level can boost your allergy symptoms, high humidity level can make them even worse. That’s the case, when the homeowner has specific allergies to molds, dust mites and mildew. Higher levels of humidity usually causes these allergens to grow, proliferate, as well as thrive in the living area.
It is strictly recommended to check the humidity level in your house and reduce it in case the living area feels especially moist and dense, pillows and curtains feel damp, or if you notice condensation is building up on the window sills or windows. These are the signs of the high humidity level in the house. To add more, when the humidity level is somewhere between forty and fifty percent, dust mites tend to die. In other words, if you have a dust mite, mildew or mold allergy problem, ensure to check humidity level regularly and make sure it does not rise over forty percent.
Failing to Clean the Device Regularly
Taking into account the fact that you’re breathing the air that is affected by the humidifier, make sure to clean and maintain the device in accordance with the specific manufacturer’s instructions.
If you fail to clean tanks and filters according to the manufacturer’s descriptions, the humidifier will grow and breed mildew, mold and various bacteria. This in turn will significantly worsen your allergy symptoms.
Using Tap Water in the Device
A lot of models of room humidifiers work by breaking up water particles and splitting up, and disbursing various mineral particles. That is how the so-called “white dust” mineral residue is created all over the living area and in the tank, in case the user fills the item with unfiltered tap water, against the requirements of the manufacturers. The mineral deposits of this kind can cause bacterial growth in the device, and the user will be also breathing them since they’re disbursed into the air.
In case with these units, the manufacturers will recommend filling them with demineralized, distilled or purified water.
Letting Water Sit In the Humidifier
It is forbidden to let water sit in the item for days between uses since the film can form directly on the top. This can breed dangerous bacteria in the enclosed tank. It is required to always empty water, as well as clean the tank when you’re not using it or even when you decide to skip the use for just one day. Do everything in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for wiping down the device with hydrogen peroxide and then rinse and thoroughly dry. Thus, hazardous chemicals will never be released into the living door air.
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